On our way here, we took our time & got through the windy parts, but when we stopped to fill-up Mr. Charley noticed one of the RV tires was looking low (again), so he filled it with air, but when we checked in at the campground, we found out where to get it fixed. We called the fella up, he was busy & said it would be a couple of hours before he could get to it, but bring it in. So, we had a couple hours to kill, since there was no sense in unhooking & setting up. We made our way over there & hung out in the Home Depot parking lot, walked the girls over to McDonalds & meandered through Home Depot. When we got back over to the tire place, it was another hour before he could get to it, but they did. Luckily it was just the tire stem, so he replaced it & we were on our way. Cheapest fix we've had to make! Got back to Campground, set-up & will chill for the rest of the day. Heading out in the morning to Bozeman, MT for Mr. Charley's eye shot Monday.
The weather isn't too bad here, a pretty WARM 61 (believe it or not), but I'm sure once that sun goes down, I'll be bundling up.
In the meantime, here's a few pics of our drive today. I love to see the wildlife (lots of pronghorns & deer), and a special treat was seeing the snow capped Big Horn mountains!
Welcome to WOWoming |
Sinclair Dinosaur |
A Pronghorn (antelope) |
Crazy Woman Creek |
Snow Capped Big Horn Mountains in the distance |
Getting closer to the beginning of our Grand Adventure to Alaska!
RV Riding is seeing the beautiful sights of our country everyday
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