
Saturday, September 30, 2023

06/07/ 2023 Blythewood SC Home Base

It’s Thursday and we’re just hanging out and taking care of things before we head our June 16th. Yesterday we washed down the camper since we had been at the beach for a couple weeks. It was a beautiful day and I get antsy sitting around for too long. I cleaned out my “closet space” and got rid of a bag full to donate. I’m anxious to get going. We have 3 states left to see and I’m ready to go!…..I bit the bullet and got my hair cut! It’s still in shock, but it’ll be OK in a few days. Here’s before and after pics
Years ago I would’ve been in tears, but now I’m just happy it’s not falling out. I’ll leave you with these words of wisdom
Have a good one everybody. 

06/03/ 2023 Blythewood SC Home Base

It’s Saturday and we’re back in Blythewood at Mr Charleys “home base”. We got home yesterday safe and sound. Mr Charley was invited to a cookout today and asked me to go.
My #1 daughter, Nicole is flying to Cabo today. Her and her husband, along with some friends have an “all inclusive” trip planned. My prayers are with them. I try real hard not to fly anymore. If I can’t drive it, I really don’t want to go. But I know they’ll have a great time. 
Lizzy Falcon’s birthday is today. She’s married to my cousin, Rick. They left for FL to visit their grand baby, Sophia. Then Liz is off to Portugal for her solo art show. So proud of her. 
It was a beautiful sunny day, with a nice gentle breeze. Couldn’t have asked for better. Thank You, Lord.
Have a good one everybody.