
Sunday, December 11, 2022

12/11/2022 December thoughts Getting ready to see my babies

I’m getting ready to head back to SC for a few days to celebrate an early Christmas with my babies. I’m excited to see them! My baby girl, Melanie and her family will come from NC. It’s a rare and precious time when we ALL get together. 
I must be getting old, but ever since Covid Chaos in 2020; all I really want is to treasure the special time when all my babies get together. Its our own “chaos”, we’reloud and crazy and I love it! 
It’s been a rough year, money is tight but it’s worth it the 7 hour drive and cooking!

In my December 11 reading in the Book of Luke, chapter 11 tells us if we know how to give good gifts to our kids, how much more our Father can give good to us.

I don’t have a lot to give to my kids, I’ve already given them all I had. 
Each one is blessed and successful and have anything and everything they could possibly want.  So, I’ll drive home, go grocery shopping, cook and cherish the timewith my babies. I might even wear a little makeup so I’ll look halfway decent to take some good pictures!  


Thursday, December 8, 2022

12/08/2022 December thoughts Baking cookies and Card Bingo

Today is Card Bingo! It’s a simple, easy, fun to play game. And, it gets me out of the house so Mr C and “The girls” can get a nap. 
But, before that, I’m baking cookies. 
I never was a “cookie baker”, but last year I got into it when I started reading Joanne Fluke mystery books. Her main character, Hannah Swenson owned a bakery and each book had tons of recipes and notes, so I decided to try some!  
My baby girl, Melanie was our cookie baker. Well, she kinda got suckered into it, since she always had a bowl of “cookie dough” in the fridge. One year at work, we had a “Cookie Swap”, so my sweet girl got “elected” to make twelve dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to “swap” for twelve dozen different kinds. They were good, but she “limited” her bowls of cookie dough during next years “Holiday Season”. 
I love my babies. I can’t believe how awesome they’ve turned out in spite of their crazy, messed up mama! 
Yesterday I made “ginger cookies” for thefirst time ever. Mr C said they were prettygood. I can’t tell since I still don’t think allmy taste buds are back since Covid, so I’ll take his word for it. 
Today I’ll make some Chocolate Chip cookies. I’m not sure they’ll be as good as Melanie’s, but I’m gonna try. 

And after that, I’m gonna play Card Bingo! 

12/07/2022 December thoughts Shrimp, Wings and a phone call

Mr Charley loves Cedar River Seafood fried shrimp. The closest one is in Inverness, which is over 45 minutes away (depending on the time and day of the week). 
Since we’re staying in Webster now, it’s not as “convenient” to drive there, so we’re searching for a closer seafood place. 
Everyone in Webster thinks Clermont is the best place to “shop and dine”. We’ve been there a few times and don’t think it’s that “convenient”. We went to a place called “Clermont Oyster Bar”.  It’s a little place, pretty laid back. As Mr Charley words it “I’ve been there twice in one day, firstand last”. 
Tonight we were going to “RJ Gators” in Lake Sumter Landing in The Villages. It was so crowded around there we didn’t even try to park. So we headed back and stopped at “O’Shucks” in Wildwood. Mr C got his friend shrimp (which he said was pretty good) and I got wings. They were good, but too “wet”, dripping in sauce. 

The best part of the night, my #1 granddaughter, Jordan called me! She filled me in on her job, her babies, her husband and how happy her life is. I’m so proud of them and so happy she’s happy. 

In December readings of the Book of Luke, Luke 7 talks about the woman with thealabaster box of previous oils that came to wash Jesus’ feet with her tears, dried them with her hair and anointed them withher precious oils. Her sins were many, but when she knelt at His feet and cried tears of repentance, He heard her, forgave her and healed her. 
He did the same for me, and that’s why my kids, grandkids and greatgrand kids are alive and well today. 

Good shrimp, wings and a call from my granddaughter, thank You, Lord for the simple blessings of life. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

12/06/2022 December thoughts Tuesday and the calendar is clear

It’s nice to get up, look at the calendar and know there is NOTHING pressing that you have to do. Of course, I always find something to do,cleaning, sweeping, dusting, dishes, etc. but those things are just daily tasks I do to “clean up”. No matter how big or small your rig is, it’s still an RV and it gets cluttered daily. It’s funny, since the whole gist of RV living is to “unclutter” your life, I realize it’s a daily struggle to keep things simple and enjoy the freedom of retirement. I can go to any number of daily activities or not, visit with neighbors, walk the girls, ride the golf cart or just sit on my butt and read.
I’m blessed to be able to do this. It’s been a rough year financially, but I was raised knowing how to do without.

Speaking of being content, look at last nights sunset:

Who wouldn’t be happy with that? 

12/05/2022 December thoughts Webster Market

On Mondays, the Webster Flea Market is open. We usually don’t go, ‘cause who needs more “stuff”? But, they do have fresh produce stands, so Mr Charley and I went. We got lots of fresh veggies and I got some blueberries. God Bless those who grow our food. These local farmers sit for hours on the corner or at the market trying to sell a pound of fresh string beans, a batch of broccoli,Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, etc. We spent nearly $40, that would’ve cost LOTS more at the grocery store. After that, we made the mistake of going to Winn Dixie. Note to self: DO NOT GO GROCERY SHOPPING ON MONDAYS. The shelves were not full. Additional note: Know your prices, because some things really are cheaper at WalMart. (But we already know that, you just need to pick the right day and time to go)
It was a “cool 80” and partly cloudy when got back, so after lunch, Mr C and the girls took a nap and I took the golf cart and went to play “Hand and Foot”. It’s a fun card game. One thing about this lifestyle, when you’re outside, folks walking by stop and chat,whether you know their name or not. It’s a “safe zone” and I love it! 
That’s it for today. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

12/04/2022 December thoughts Webster Christmas Parade

Last night we drove the golf cart up the back path to Main St in Webster for the Christmas parade. It was small but nice. Since it’s a small town, they’re still allowed to throw candy for the kids. Well, at least some of them did. I remember when I was a kid my dad marched in the Orange Bowl parade with “The Merry Mummers” band. This is a “current” pic of the Mummers in Philadelphia, so you can get an idea of the brillian colors.

This is a black & white of the Mummers back in the 1940’s. These were the kind of costumes I remember.

I even have an album of them probably ruined by now, but it’s up in my daughters attic. Another one of those “hidden treasures” for my great grands. 
And, in keeping with my December reading challenge, I read Luke 4 this morning.

There’s some good stuff in there! I think it’s funny the Devil thought he could temptJesus. After fasting for 40 days, knowing He was hungry and weak Satan tried to tempt Him with food.

Then he tried to get Him to bow down and worship him!

But Jesus knew Who He was and why He was sent here.

Can we be so sure of our life? Happy December 4 to whoever is reading this. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

12/03/2022 December thoughts Our lineage

Since this is the 3rd of December, I read Chapter 3 of the Book of Luke.

It’s not the first time I’ve read it, but it really jumped out to me this morning! It’s not just the introduction of John the Baptist, but it gives the lineage of Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father.  I’m reminded of my lineage as I see my babies and their babies. Both of my girls are on “23 and me”, originally for the medical analysis, but as their “tree” grew, they were asking questions. I have the “gift of forgetfulness”, but I tried to dig back and answer their questions the best u could. I’ve given them all wrote back in my 20’s and 39’s when I was trying to learn who I was. Both of my parents were first generation Italians, born in America. I’m so proud of my babies. Proud of theirdesire to learn and grow. Proud of their desire to preserve it for their kids. In this crazy world we live in today, I’m glad to know who child I am. And during this Christmas Season, I’m really glad to know Him and know Who I belong to. 
Just as John came to “prepare the way”

I’ve tried to pass our lineage to my kids, so they know who they are and how much they’re loved.

December is a great time to reflect not onwhat we want, but what we have.

Friday, December 2, 2022

12/02/2022 December thoughts Luke 2

Today is a special day for me. My #1 daughter, Nicole gave birth to my #1 grandchild, Jordan. Jordan is 26 years old today and I can still remember her birth. She had a head full of dark hair (like her mama did) and she was (and still is) absolutely beautiful, both inside and out.

She has given me two beautiful great-grandchildren, Braelyn and Beckham.

And I couldn’t be more proud of her and her husband, Josh. When I was reading Luke 2 today, another birth is recorded. All Old Testament Scripture points to a Saviour being born in Bethlehem, the City of David. Since Joseph and Mary didn’t live there, God made a good reason for them to go. Every man had to go to his hometown to be counted for a census.

God kinda works that way, he uses people and things to do His Will. And, by verse11, His birth is complete and Word is spread.

I remember when Jordan was born, and how quick the calls were made with details of her birth. And, like Mary, “I ponderedall those things in my heart”

Thank You, Lord for blessing me and my family. Please help us all to remember the Reason for the Season. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

12/01/2022 December thoughts The meaning of Christmas

What a great idea! Growing up Catholic, we always went to “Midnight Mass”. I didn’t understand it, and I was young & slept through most of it. When I was older and got “saved” in the Baptist Church, I actually read the Bible and found the story of Jesus’ birth and the true meaning of Christmas. So instead of just reading the story of His birth Christmas Eve, I like the idea of reading a Chapter day through the month. It helps to remember the true “Reason for the Season”

These are a few of the verses from Chapter 1 that jumped out at me. Things the Angel Gabriel told Mary.And, part of “Mary’s song”, as young and afraid, praising God for choosingher.

And the promise of Peace in the darkness of our World.

So again, I say “Thank You, Lord”