
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

11/30/2022 November thankful Recognizing daily gifts

it’s the last day of November, our “month of thanksgiving”; leading into our Christmas Season. I’m thankful I have tried to pick one thing a day, to be thankful for.  For an entire month! Can you believe it! It may seem silly to some, but every day we should be thankful for so much, yet “speaking it” daily isn’t something we generally do. As we move into our “Holiday Season”, instead of focusing on all things we have to DO, let’s remember all those things we HAVE. (And, remember the true “Reason for the Season”

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

11/29/2022 November thankful Thanksgiving

 I’m thankful for Thanksgiving. It’s not just the food, it’s the gathering of family and friends to “break bread”, have a good meal, catch up on news, take pics, watch the babies grow, get a good hug, and if you’re lucky; a nap. 
It’s also a time of reflection for those things we all should be thankful for.

Monday, November 28, 2022

11/28/2022 November thankful For rest

I’m thankful for days of rest. When I was young, Sunday was a day of rest. Our country was built on “Christian” values and the Bible tells us “on the 7th day, God rested”. Think about it, God spent the previous 6 days creating the World and everything in and around it, and He rested. Although I’m “retired”, I still stay busy, but sometimes my body lets me know it needs a break. So, I’m trying to learn to listen to it and not feel guilty or “lazy”.  During this “Holiday Season”, don’t forget to rest. Give your body, mind and soul the opportunity to “shut down” for a day. I figure if God took a day off to rest, why is it so hard for us to? So, I’m thankful for those dreary rainy days when there’s nothing to do but stay in and chill out, because sometimes we need it.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

11/27/2022 November thankful For two parents

I’m thankful I had and knew both of my parents. I know it sounds dumb, but think how many orphans are out there because they ”lost” their parents, for one reason or another. 
Even though my folks divorced when I was young, I knew I had a mom who loved me, a home to live in, and everything I needed. I wasn’t close with my dad once he left, but I knew who he was. 
If you were blessed to have had one or both parents growing up, be thankful! 
Think of how many kids have no home, no family, no mama, no dad, no siblings, no “home”.

I sure miss my Mama. She raised 4 kids with little to no help from my dad. We didn’t have a lot, but we always had what we needed. I love you, Mom. I can’t wait tosee you again!

I was in my forties when I actually got to “know” my dad. He needed my forgiveness for leaving us, as much as I needed to know he really loved me. We had some good times and special moments in his later years.

Although my “girls” weren’t blessed to beraised with their dad in the home, they knew who their dad was. I’m also thankful Richard was a good “stepfather” to themduring their most impressionable years. I’m also thankful my grandkids are blessed to have a two parent home. And, my great granddaughter is double blessed to have her Dad and a “Bonus Dad”. I can’t imagine my life not having or even knowing my folks. Thank You, Lord I don’t have to 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

11/26/2022 November thankful Sleep

I’m thankful for those first precious 4 hours of sleep I get when I first go to bed. If I’m real lucky, I can roll over and get back to sleep for a few more, but that rarely happens. Most nights, I toss and turn trying to get my neck in the right position to wake my hands up, get my back fixed, etc, for a couple hours, then “rest” about an hour before I get up. So, if you sleep through the night be THANKFUL, for you are truly blessed. And if you can’t, be thankful for those precious hours you do get. For rest, restores your body and soul.

Friday, November 25, 2022

11/25/2022 November thankful Living on a fixed income

I’m thankful living on a “fixed income” has taught me how to appreciate simple things. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear. The 3 basic survival needs in life; shelter, food, clothes. 
Anything else is a blessing. 
Family, Friends,Health. The smell of good cooking, the taste of baked goodies, the sounds of laughter, the joy of watching kids play, the feel of a good hug, treasured time with loved ones. 
I don’t have a lot of money like I had in my “working years”, but I am blessed beyond measure in my “golden years”.
 For this, I am truly thankful.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

11/24/2022 November thankful Thanksgiving dinner

 I’m thankful my kids and grandkids will have a good Thanksgiving dinner even though I’m not there to cook it for them.  I’m also thankful I will be having a good Thanksgiving dinner without having to do all the cooking!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

11/23/2022 November thankful My tastebuds!

NOV 23- I’m thankful my taste buds are back! Well, not totally, but they’re much better than they were.  Although I never “officially” got tested, earlier this year those around me tested positive for Covid and I found out “loss of tastebuds” is a symptom. I think that was the weirdest & most aggravating part of it. It sounds crazy, and I’m not a big foodie, but when I eat something it sure is good to taste it! So, with Thanksgiving looming around the corner, and knowing all the good food I’ll be eating, I am thankful MOST of my tastebuds have come back. 
With that said, I hope whatever y’all are making or eating during this “holiday” season tastes as good as it was meant to.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

11/09/2022 November thankful The Lord is in control

NOV 9- I’m thankful the Lord is in control in spite of us. Whether it’s the election or the weather, His Will will be done 🙏🙏❤️

11/07/2022 November thankful A servants heart

NOV 7- I’m thankful for the opportunity (and ability) to be able to help out when I can. I don’t have a lot to give, but I can wash dishes! I’m not the greatest cook (my sister did that) but I can help prep! 
I’m just thankful the Lord gave me a “servant heart” and my Mama taught me to see and respect people. Open the door for others, offer a chair, a drink of water, carry a heavy load, be an encouragement, make someone smile. 
Thank You, Lord for helping me recognize where I can help.

11/06/2022 November thankful My chiropractor!

NOV 6- I’m thankful for my chiropractor and other medical professionals we have access to in our wonderful country. (If they’d just get politics out of the way, we could have a great health care system.) But I’m thankful for what we do have !Thank God for healing hands!

11/12/2022 November thankful A place to live!

NOV 12- I am thankful for a nice, clean, (warm or cool) place to live. I have a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear. There’s a lot of folks out there who don’t, especially after these storms. Thank you, Lord 🙏❤️

11/14/2022 November thankful Heat!

NOV 14- I’m thankful for heat! It’s a bit “nippy” this morning and I’m so thankful for the fireplace & my “blankie” (I don’t do cold very well) Thank you, Lord for a WARM place to stay ☺️❤️

11/21/2022 November thankful I can breathe!

NOV 21- I’m thankful I can breathe clearly. I know that sounds crazy, but if you’ve ever had a clogged up nose or chest congestion, then you know what I mean. I work hard trying to keep my “airways” unclogged. 
Nasacort sinus spray during my allergy season. “Clean nose, healthy life”. So thankful I quit smoking 100 yrs ago. 
I’ve watched too many loved ones gasp for air, so I am blessed and thankful I can take a nice deep breath. So many others can’t.

11/22/2022 November thankful My reliable car!

NOV 22- I’m thankful for my car and the ability to drive. My car gives me the freedom to go wherever and whenever I need. I remember many years ago praying my car would start, praying those tires would hold out, praying I’d have enough gas to get to work, or pick up my babies. I don’t have those same worries today (thank God), yet, those things can still happen. This year I’ve put new tires on and just bought a new battery. An oil change is in the near future. I’m thankful I can handle those issues easier today than those younger years. Thank You, Lord for my car. A lot of folks don’t have one or the ability to drive one or maintain one. I am thankful I do.

11/20/2022 November thankful My 2 hands!

NOV 20- I’m thankful I have 2 hands. I spent months in “Barbie doll” splints not able to touch anything or use them (that’s a long story). And even though I wake up with numb burning hands, I can “wake them up” and function. My hands allow me to hold my babies, hold that cup of coffee in the morning, wash those dishes, wash & dress myself and so much more! There’s a lot of folks that don’t have 2 good hands to use, and I thank God I have mine and, that He allows me to use them Think about it!

11/19/2022 November thankful I can walk!

NOV 19- I’m thankful I can walk. Before  I “sprained” my ankle (30 yrs ago) I loved to walk, wear flip flops, go barefoot & feel the grass between my toes. When I messed up my ankle (playing volleyball), I spent 9 months on crutches & weekly physical therapy just so I could stand up on it. 
30 years later, I’m still “babying” that foot, always looking for shoes that make it “happy”, rubbing arnica gel when it’s not. Finding an acupuncturist when nothing works. 
If you have 2 good feet and you’re able to walk (no matter how fast or slow) be thankful! For there are many who can’t.

11/18/2022 November thankful I can see!

NOV 18- I’m thankful I can see. I may need glasses (thank God I have them too!), but I am so thankful for the ability to see. Each beautiful sunrise & sunset. Looking at my beautiful babies, their babies and those precious great grands. Watching nature at its best. Seeing the sights of our wonderful country. My eyesight gives me the freedom to drive. I could go on for hours, but for just a moment , I hope you can “see” how blessed you are to be able to see.

11/17/2022 November thankful My cell phone!

NOV 17- I’m thankful for my cell phone. I know that sounds crazy, but I am just a call or text away from my loved ones. I can “Google” just about anything I need to know in minutes. I can see pics of my babies, and take pics of the beauty I see around me. So, I’m thankful for my cell phone. I need a new one soon, but until then I’ll keep it close by. “Phone, wallet, keys” that’s about all ya need🤷🏻‍♀️

11/16/2022 November thankful That first cup of coffee

NOV 16- I’m thankful for that first cup of coffee. (1 sweet n low & this weeks “honey, vanilla & cinnamon” flavored creamer) That first sip of the first cup is THE BEST! So, as you take that first sip of that first cup this morning, take a minute and think how blessed you are to have all the elements needed to make it (coffee pot, coffee, filter, water, electricity, sugar, creamer, a cup) I hope you can enjoy the rest of your day as much.

11/15/2022 November thankful I can move!

NOV 15- I’m thankful I can move my achy body with simple stretches to release the pain & numbness I wake up with. My bum foot doesn’t let me walk like I used to, but I am so thankful I can still move & stretch to get my day started. Thank You, Lord ☺️❤️

11/13/2022 November thankful Sweet friends

NOV 13- I’m thankful for sweet friends and fun times. RVing has allowed us to meet some wonderful people from all over the country (& Canada😉👍). Either sitting around the campfire telling stories or playing games it’s a great time in a fun “safe zone”. 
Thanks again, Mr Charley Dilworth for letting me hang with you.

11/11/2022 November thankful Survived the storm!

NOV 11- I’m thankful we made it through the storm. I’ve survived many hurricanes growing up in Miami, but never in an RV. Although “Nicole” wasn’t near as strong as “Ian”, (we definitely would’ve left), it was still pretty freaky in an RV. Today is Veterans Day and I am so thankful for all those who have and are serving. ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

11/10/2022 November thankful I know the Master of the wind!

NOV 10- I’m thankful I know the Master of the wind as we ride out “Nicole” We’ve done all we could “battening down the hatches”, but He’s in control.

11/08/2022 November thankful The freedom to vote!

NOV 8- I’m thankful we have the freedom to vote! I’m thankful there are still some good people who are willing to step up and run for office to try and fight the wrongs happening in our country everyday. 
I’m thankful GOOD will ALWAYS PREVAIL over EVIL🙏🇺🇸❤️

11/05/2022 November thankful I can travel!

NOV 5- I’m thankful I’m able to travel with Mr Charley Dilworth. We have a good gig (he cooks, I do the dishes & we split the cost).  3 states left🙏🙏🙏
Thanks Mr C and thank You, Lord I’m able to do this ❤️

11/04/2022 November thankful My Country!

NOV 4- I’m thankful I live in the land of the free and home of the brave🇺🇸🇺🇸. God Bless the USA!

11/03/2022 November thankful My health

NOV 3- I’m thankful for my health. Good checkup at dentist (glad I spent all that money in my 30s & 40s). Great checkup at eye Dr (No issues!) As much as I don’t do Drs, I have an appt to get a checkup soon. Until then, I’ll stay as “healthy” as I can. Thank You, Lord for my health, & especially my eyesight. 🙏❤️

11/02/2022 November thankful My family !

NOV 2 - Thank You, Lord for my family. My babies are all healthy, successful, self sufficient kids, and for that I am truly blessed and thankful. My #1 daughter, Nicole and her husband,Brian have been married for 29 years!

They have given me two beautiful grandchildren, Jordan and Bryson.

Jordan has given me two beautiful great grandchildren! Braelyn and Beckham

Her husband, Josh has been a wonderfuladdition to our family.

My number two daughter, Melanie has been married to her husband Bobby for over 17 years.

They have given me my third grandchild, Rhythm. My sister, Sara and twin brothers, Ronnieand Richie are still alive (they’re all older than me). My cousins (at least the ones I’m close to) are not far away. 
I am blessed and so thankful for my family. 

11/01/2022 November thankful I woke up!

NOV 1 - I’m thankful the Lord has seen fit to allow me to wake up. A lot of people weren’t as fortunate, so I’m thankful I did. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

11/05/2022 Hurricane Ian - FL Disaster Relief

 In all my previous posts, I failed to mention a couple of things. #1 If you’d like to donate to FL Disaster relief , here’s the link: can guarantee you those funds WILL BEUSED to help continue this ministry. 
#2 I failed to mention what an impression Janice and Yolanda left on me. Their church not only “spiritually” feeds the people in Islamorada, they have a food bank, clothes closet and physically feeds meals once a week. They’ve partnered with other churches nearby, to have “dinners” just about every night. 
Now that we’re at our “winter home”, I’ve vowed to volunteer where I’m really needed. One of the ladies here on the kitchen staff has cancer and just undergone a hipreplacement. She’s getting ready to start chemo/radiation once she’s able. So, I’m going to help the kitchen staff here. My #1“volunteer” commitment for this season. I’ll still “help” when needed, but my kitchenfriends needs will come first. After all, we’re not as young as we used to be and we all need to eat. 


10/28/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 5 FL Disaster Relief

Today is our last day. They closed down the “outdoor kitchen” for mass feedings, we helped clean up and close down. In the meantime, I was helping the “inside kitchen” crew in between time. I can’t stand to sit around. Once I stop, I can hardly start up again.  These poor folks have been here for weeks and I could tell they getting tired.  So, I started washing dishes and cleaning up a little. In the morning, I helped make sandwiches. Whatever little things I could (within their guidelines) I did. I forgot to mention one day, Debbie and I took a drive down the road through Punta Gorda and into Fort Myers. There’s still piles of debris along the roads. Lots of closed stores, broken signs, boats piled up, tarped roofs, and tons of trees down. Although the news has moved on, there is still a lot of stuff that needs to be done. For those who have survived any kind of disaster, from hurricanes to floods to tornados you know it’s a LONG TIME before things ever get back to “normal”. I don’t know what to tell you, but if you’rehealthy and “bored” get off your duff and help. If you can’t go, help send those who can. I’m not big on the Red Cross (highexecutive salaries), but I do understand alittle better how they partner with this organization for “free labor”. I know the Salvation Army is a legitimate, honest foundation to give to. (It’s almost time for those Red Kettles) volunteer with them to ring abell. (I hated when I read they had to pay people to do this). I don’t have a lot of money, but I can helpin some way. Can you? 

10/27/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 4 FL Disaster Relief

My last installment provided info on food preparations. These next pics (taken fromthe training website) will show you what happens after the meals are packed in the Cambro.
The Cambro is closed, and labeled.
Each completed Cambro is stacked on pallets waiting on forklift to carry over to pickup site.
Here’s the outdoor pickup site with labeled Cambros. Any additional items for the meal is also put out here. (Bread, buns, condiments, etc) These meals are picked up by the Salvation Army or the Red Cross to ge distributed to specific identified areas in need. 
I think I initially listed the various ministry opportunities for each volunteer. The Administration, Assessing and Logistics areas have long been involved before food preparation is made.  Identifying needs, setting up staging areas, communicating with churches, coordinating with ministries,monitoring available volunteers and tons of other details. This has been a real life experience I am blessed to be a part of the helping side and not the needing side. I told you about Janice and Yolanda who came from Islamorada. They had bags ofclothes donated to the cause, and although the FL DR didn’t have need, they did find a person with the church that would be sure it was distributed. Each nights “testimonies” of something invigorated, yet broke your heart. We were a month AFTER and still there were some areas that were so devastated their homes were gone or demolished. One of the ministries is to help them find shelter, sift through their demolished homes to salvage whatever is worth salvaging, help them file necessary paperwork to get help. We heard lots of stories that brought hope and help to so many. But I have to tell you about Roy. Roy had his truck parked next to my car while we were there. I saw him out there driving a forklift and varioustrucks and machinery. He was a heavy bearded fella that didn’t speak much, probably because he didn’t have a lot of teeth He looked like one of those guys standing on a corner with a sign. But Roy wasn’tstanding on the corner! He came from California to help. I don’t know all the details, but I can tell you this, he slept in his truck because he had a little dog he didn’t want to leave. Roy earned the love and respect of those men working with him andone night one of the men witnessed to him. Well, Roy knew Jesus in his head, but not in his heart. He asked the Lord into his life and you couldn’t keep the smile off his face! When we heard about this, one of the shower ladies said he was so thankful he couldn’t remember when he had anice shower like that. And then one of thelaundry ladies washed his dirty clothes and he was so happy to put them in clean. Long story short, we all had an opportunity to see Jesus at work through each of us. The men talked about it with Roy and asked him if he wanted to be baptized. His smiling eyes said it all. So plans were made to clean out the vat used to sanitize and make it a baptismal tub! They took up an offering to help get him some new clothes. He told them he was a veteran and felt “called” to help with the Hurricane. But I think the Lord knew his heart was ready and willing, and thank God Roy’s fellow workers were moved to help him. They also gave him a Bible signed by all of us. As much as I’ve been hurt by “church folks”, I can honestly say “I’ve been to church” working with these people. 
The Bible tells us we are the church 1 Corinthians 3:9, KJV: For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.
Although I am no longer a “member” of achurch, I felt I was a “member of the body of Christ” helping where I could. It felt good to be a part. I’m not sure when u canget back there, but I do feel I am more prepared to help in the future. Thank You, Lord for letting me help.  

10/26/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 3 FL Disaster Relief

I think I mentioned before that Debbie had a Class C RV that she just got. Her goalis to get credentialed and be able to stay in her RV indefinitely as needed. (She hasa cat and wants to be able to take it with her). As a matter of fact, although I’m writing this in November, I’m using the actualdates we were there to help chronicle ourexperience. Debbie has taken her Class C back down there after finding out where she can park it. So, back to my story. …..By day 3, we had both been trained on the proper way to wash hands, when to wear gloves, how to clean off and sanitize the work space, the canned goods, how to work the can opener, how to open boxeditems, how to tear down boxes, how to properly stir foods in the large skillets (more in that in a minute), how to load food trays for the baking oven, how to properly bag and label food, and how to properly clean up after each step. They have stringent rules for food safety. Foods must beprepared at specific temperatures and packed properly to ensure they can withstand the transporting and distribution. 
Let me explain the “outdoor skillets”. We had 3 skillets going at one time, each “skillet” holds 150 servings of whatever is being cooked. These “tilt skillets” are run on propane, and depending the meal being prepared and the number of servings needed, these skillets may need to be filled, emptied and refilled numerous times. We were cooking for 1800 people, so sometimes we had to fill & refill a skillet 3 or 4 times. We had all 3 going each time! 
Here’s some pics I snagged off the training website (I had no time to take pics)
This is a “tilt skillet” each one holds 150 servings. These are used for veggies (canned corn, carrots, beans, etc) Or a one pot stew. (We made beef fajita meat with chili, corn and black beans)
These are the convection ovens. They are used to cook the meat. (Chicken, hotdogs, burgers, etc )
The person sitting is opening the cans using that big opener. The person to the leftis using a big magnet to take the lid off. The person on the other side is “feeding” the correct amount of canned items per recipe. Each can top has been sanitized prior to opening.
The red box is a “Cambro” used to store each 150 serving item. A heat tempered plastic bag is inserted in each sterilized “Cambro”, opened when filling, and closed after each “helping” to ensure no airborne contaminants come in. Once the bag is filled, it is tightly closed and twisted shut, a label is inserted when the lid is placed providing date, time, temperature, item and number of servings. 
I’ll show you what happens in my next installment. 

10/25/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 2 FL Disaster Relief

As I previously mentioned, Deb and I volunteered to help with the FL Disaster Relief through the church. We were sent to the Murdock Baptist Church in Port Charlott, FL. We weren’t sure what we’d be doing, so we had work clothes and gloves, in case we were going to “clean up” areas. We brought twin size air mattresses ready to sleep in outdoor tents they had set up. We were very fortunate when they assigned us to the “music room” in the church. We set up our beds, not knowing how many other women would be coming. The bathroom wasn’t too far down the hall. Our room was roomy, air conditioned and even had a little refrigerator in it. We were pleasantly surprised, since there were numerous big white tents set up outside the church that had both men and womens quarters. We got 2 new “room mates”;  Janice and Yolanda who drove over 5 hoursto get here from Islamorada (my neck of the woods growing up). 
Although we had indoor bathrooms, the showers were portable, outdoor showers set up near the laundry service. 
Talk about being thankful! These preciousladies, (some had been here since the day AFTER Ian hit!) kept these showers clean and ready for anyone that needed it. Mind you, there were over 500 Volunteers that came through per day, when we came, no telling how many had been there in the beginning. These ladies not only kept the showers ready, they also did on site laundry! You left 2days worth of dirty clothes and they were washed, dried and folded for you to pick up! Ms Sally and her husband (he does Security) have been there since 09/29. That sweet lady was 77 years old and had been doing this over a decade! I can’t tell you how much I appreciated that shower and clean clothes after each shift. God Bless each one of thoseprecious women. 
I mentioned we worked in the “outdoor kitchen” preparing meals for “the field”. There’s also an “indoor kitchen” that prepares 3 meals a day for all of us! These folksstart at 4:00 am, preparing a hot breakfast for us by 7:00. They also make sandwiches for a “bag lunch” for the crews to eatwhile they’re out there clearing trees, tarping roofs, and every other imaginable need on site. They head out early and come in late afternoon to cleanup get dinner by 6:00 pm and get ready to go it again the next day. Did I mention we are ALL VOLUNTEERS?!?!? The inside kitchen crew not only fixes a hot breakfast for everyone, bagged lunches for off site crews, but a hot lunch for on site volunteers, and a hot dinner for everyone! Mr John lives nearby, so goes home every night. But he’s been here since day 1! “G”  is from Haiti, but lives in CA. He’s been here since day 1! Ms Karen and Ms Mildred and others have been here for a while, too. I know one thing, when we walked in that kitchen area for a hot meal each day, I sure was thankful. Dinner time was the best, because after dinner, the Pastor or a Chaplain would ask “what was something good that happened today?”  Different people would come up and share something good.
 This one man said after helping a young couple with 3 kids get their place cleared and somewhat habitable, he witnessed to the man and with one kid hanging off of each arm, he cried and accepted Jesus! 
Another lady said a woman and her husband had taken a week off work to come down and help their elderly parents to clean up. She said how much they appreciated the hot meals they delivered each day. It saved her from finding a grocery store, and trying to fix meals for them on top of all the cleaning up work. 
Every night there were wonderful stories letting each person know their hard work was appreciated and needed. 
Needless to say, this has been a wonderful, eye opening experience. I thank the Lord I am strong and healthy enough to help. I am truly thankful He gave me the desire to go. (Those size 7 Vionic sneakers sealed the deal !) 
There’s more, so stay tuned. 

10/24/2022 Hurricane Ian FL Disaster Relief -Part 1

When Debbie is in Fl, she goes to First Baptist Church up the road from us, here in Webster. They are part of the SouthernBaptist Convention, which includes various State Disaster Relief Programs.“The mission of Florida Baptist Disaster Relief and Recovery Ministries is to Make a difference” in times of disasterby connecting Florida Baptist Churches and Associations to people and communities impacted-by disaster and by responding with Help, Healing, and Hope, that demonstrates and shares the love of Christ”. Training in the following ministries is provided, if you’d like to become a credentialed volunteer: 

  • Feeding
  • Safe Food Handling
  • Emergency Response Team
  • Administrative Support
  • Assessment Training
  • Flood Response Training
  • Trailer Safety Training
  • Chaplaincy
  • Temporary Child Care Training
  • Introductory Communications Volunteer Training
  • Communications Trailer Operations 

As a “Day Volunteer” we had to provide online info, wait for them to do a background check, and watch a few videos to see and understand the various areas we may be needed. Since we were coming in a month after the Hurricane, they needed help in the “outside kitchen” that prepares meals for the Salvation Army to distribute. The Red Cross and Salvation Army request how many meals they’ll need, they purchase the food and the “outside kitchen” prepares and “boxes” meals for them to take out and distribute in needed areas. As I said, we came in a month after, so we helped prepare 1800 hot meals for lunch and dinner distribution. In previous weeks, they were preparing 20-30,00 meals PER DAY! We got “on the job” training in proper hand washing, food handling, sanitizing, packaging, and clean up. Let me tell you, they are adamant with their procedures and good stewards of the foods provided. We started at 6:00 am to prepare meals to be picked up by 11:00 for lunch distribution. Then we prepared meals to be picked up by 4:00 for dinner distribution. Proper temperature controlled handling of food is imperative to ensure no contamination will occur before it’s distributed. Did I mention we worked in the “OUTDOOR KITCHEN?”!!!!! Did I also mention we had to wear close toed shoes and hats? I have a great story to tell you about my “closed toe” shoes. Y’all know I have a bum foot and nerve damage, so I haven’t been able to wear sneakers and very few boots for years. When I packed up my apartment and got ready for FL, I definitely did NOT bring any work clothes or boots.Do, I hit the Thrift Stores around here. I found some jeans, ans would you believe I found a pair of Vionic sneakers for $4!!!!God Bless the woman who donated a pair of size 7 Vionic sneakers to the Thrift Store in Bushnell, FL! Thank you, for you have no idea what a blessing that was for me!  I was able wear them ALL DAY for 5 days straight with minimal pain. My Aspercream/Arnica Gel wraps at night took thepain and swelling away so I could do it again the next day! 
That’s about it for Day 1 of our hurricane disaster relief adventure. 

09/29/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 2 Evacuation from MacDill AFB, Tampa FL

Mr Charley and I stayed overnight in Webster, anxiously watching the weather reports and determined we’d keep our reservation in GA and head to Adel, Ga. We usually don’t stay in State Parks, so I must say we were pleasantly surprised. Reed Bingham State Park was clean, the Rangers were friendly and the sites were large and level! They also had a FREE laundry room! (Mr C doesn’t have a washer/dryer in his rig, so laundry rooms are one of the first things I check out when we land) Some of the FamCamps have free laundry, others are “affordable” ($2 per load). We stayed here 5 days, since we really didn’t know what we’d be coming back to in FL. A couple days later, Becky said they were heading back to Tampa since Ian bypassed the Bay Area and Brady had to get back to work. She spent the first few days back clearing debris and getting her yard in order. Since we had paid through 10/10, we headed back to MacDill. Thank God our trip was uneventful, the roads were clear, water and electric were on and our setup was smooth. I failed to mention on our way out, we noticed numerous staging areas of linemen ready to restore power as soon as possible. Hundreds of workers from many states(TX, AL, MS, even OK!) were setup along the I75 route from GA down to N FL. Trucks with supplies, power companies, and Red Cross, Samaritans Purse and numerous church disaster relief trucks. I can’t tell you how many pickups with “chainsaw” crews for cleanup we saw. All I can say is Thank You and God Bless each one! This is MY AMERICA! People coming to help, because that’s what a “united” America does. When our time at Macdilll was up, we stillhad 5 days before we were due in to Webster. We wanted to try Patrick AFB FamCamp (we’ve driven through and it’s really nice), but they don’t take reservations and we could never get anyone to answer the phone. So, we decided to just head to Oak Alley and get setup. It was like “coming home”. Our reserved site was waiting for us, some of the folks we met last year were here, so we setup camp and “the girls” got settled back into “Full Time” mode. My golf cart wasn’t running well, so I left it in SC. My #1 Son-in-law, Brian, is a master at fixing and restoring vehicles, so I thought I’d give him a good challenge.So, first thing needed here is a golf cart. My bum foot doesn’t let me walk much and I didn’t want to drive my car around the campground everytime I want to do something. So we decided we’d buy one since it’s pretty expensive to rent. A friend of ours told us about a fella in Homasassa that will build one from scratch for us. We drive there, told him what colors we wanted and voila! This is what he made us:

Good price, blinkers, horn, flashers and fold down seat in the back so the girls can lay down and ride. Mr C also got a new electric bike so he can ride around. He’s done well with it, butI joke he needs a helmet, knee & elbow pads. He just says “Now, Ms Margaret …..”So we’re all settled in and my friend, Debbie comes back from GA with her Montana 5th and along the way, she bought a Class C from a couple in Ormond Beach! So that’s where our Fl Disaster Relief story begins. 

09/28/2022 Hurricane Ian - Evacuation from MacDill AFB, Tampa FL

Mr Charley and I left SC in September, headed to MacBee for his annual RV inspection and decided we’d travel a little FL before “wintering”at Oak Alley RV Park in Webster, Fl. 
We spent a week at Mayport Naval Base in Jacksonville; crossed back into GA and spent a week at Kings Bay Naval Sub Base in St Mary’s, GA; then headed to MacDill AFB in Tampa.  (We couldn’t get into Patrick AFB). 
In Ga, we met a sweet little girl from TX, patiently waiting for her husband to come back from his submarine mission.  Kirsten came out to play with her dog “Josie” and I just had to introduce us and invite her to come over. She’s a sweet, young bride, far from home; yet strong enough to be a farrier (horse shoer), and she’s only 19!  She’s a barrel racer at home and numerous horses on their ranch. I pray for this little girl daily for she has truly touched my heart. I pray her husband comes home soon. I’d love to meet him and let him know what a wonderful woman he has.
We met a sweet young family in Tampa, living on base in the FamCamp, waiting on“housing”. He’s active duty Coast Guard.
Becky & Brady have two beautiful, sweet kids. Bella and Bennett, and their sweet puppy “Beau”. 
Both of these young ladies have opened my eyes to active military life and how the families “keep going” as they wait on the commanders orders. Say a prayer for our military and their families and thank God for them. 
We met a wonderful “retired” couple whojust sold their home & decided to “Full time” in their RV.  Karen and Allen are getting “settled” into their rig after selling their home. They’ve been together for 50+ years! 
So, our afternoon “Happy Hour” included the dogs and kids from those around us. The kids loved Cheyenne and Sadie, and  the “puppies” found out “the girls” had no patience for all their chaos. But in this time, I realized how blessed we are to have such good men and women serving to provide us the freedoms we have. 
So, Hurricane Ian has decided “he” wants to come to FL, but no one can figure if he’s coming up the west coast, or if he’ll turn towards the east coast. So, as the “cone of uncertainty” veers from one coast to the other, Mr Charley and I decide we need to get out of the Tampa Bay Area and at least head inland to Webster. I didn’t want to get stuck in the I-75 evacuation traffic, so we decided to head out. Becky told us they were heading to Reed Bingham State Park in Adel, GA. I went online and booked a spot for us for a few days ‘til the hurricane passed through. In the meantime, Becky said they couldn’t book until they had evacuation orders. By the time they got them, the campground was booked solid and they had to find another place. They found a KOA in Okeechobee and safely landed for a few days. Kirsten said they were told to evacuate the campground, so she hooked up their rig, stored it in a safe place and went to stay with friends. Allen and Karen headed up to NC near their son. 
(After it was over, everyone that had evacuated returned safely) 
That’s the “prequel” to the rest of the Hurricane Ian saga. Stay tuned for further updates as I try to get back into blogging mode.