Wednesday, November 30, 2022
11/30/2022 November thankful Recognizing daily gifts
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
11/29/2022 November thankful Thanksgiving
It’s also a time of reflection for those things we all should be thankful for.
Monday, November 28, 2022
11/28/2022 November thankful For rest
Sunday, November 27, 2022
11/27/2022 November thankful For two parents
Even though my folks divorced when I was young, I knew I had a mom who loved me, a home to live in, and everything I needed. I wasn’t close with my dad once he left, but I knew who he was.
If you were blessed to have had one or both parents growing up, be thankful!
Think of how many kids have no home, no family, no mama, no dad, no siblings, no “home”.
I sure miss my Mama. She raised 4 kids with little to no help from my dad. We didn’t have a lot, but we always had what we needed. I love you, Mom. I can’t wait tosee you again!
I was in my forties when I actually got to “know” my dad. He needed my forgiveness for leaving us, as much as I needed to know he really loved me. We had some good times and special moments in his later years.
Although my “girls” weren’t blessed to beraised with their dad in the home, they knew who their dad was. I’m also thankful Richard was a good “stepfather” to themduring their most impressionable years. I’m also thankful my grandkids are blessed to have a two parent home. And, my great granddaughter is double blessed to have her Dad and a “Bonus Dad”. I can’t imagine my life not having or even knowing my folks. Thank You, Lord I don’t have to
Saturday, November 26, 2022
11/26/2022 November thankful Sleep
Friday, November 25, 2022
11/25/2022 November thankful Living on a fixed income
Anything else is a blessing. Family, Friends,Health. The smell of good cooking, the taste of baked goodies, the sounds of laughter, the joy of watching kids play, the feel of a good hug, treasured time with loved ones.
I don’t have a lot of money like I had in my “working years”, but I am blessed beyond measure in my “golden years”. For this, I am truly thankful.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
11/24/2022 November thankful Thanksgiving dinner
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
11/23/2022 November thankful My tastebuds!
With that said, I hope whatever y’all are making or eating during this “holiday” season tastes as good as it was meant to.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
11/09/2022 November thankful The Lord is in control
11/07/2022 November thankful A servants heart
I’m just thankful the Lord gave me a “servant heart” and my Mama taught me to see and respect people. Open the door for others, offer a chair, a drink of water, carry a heavy load, be an encouragement, make someone smile.
Thank You, Lord for helping me recognize where I can help.
11/06/2022 November thankful My chiropractor!
11/12/2022 November thankful A place to live!
11/14/2022 November thankful Heat!
11/21/2022 November thankful I can breathe!
Nasacort sinus spray during my allergy season. “Clean nose, healthy life”. So thankful I quit smoking 100 yrs ago.
I’ve watched too many loved ones gasp for air, so I am blessed and thankful I can take a nice deep breath. So many others can’t.
11/22/2022 November thankful My reliable car!
11/20/2022 November thankful My 2 hands!
11/19/2022 November thankful I can walk!
30 years later, I’m still “babying” that foot, always looking for shoes that make it “happy”, rubbing arnica gel when it’s not. Finding an acupuncturist when nothing works.
If you have 2 good feet and you’re able to walk (no matter how fast or slow) be thankful! For there are many who can’t.
11/18/2022 November thankful I can see!
11/17/2022 November thankful My cell phone!
11/16/2022 November thankful That first cup of coffee
11/15/2022 November thankful I can move!
11/13/2022 November thankful Sweet friends
Thanks again, Mr Charley Dilworth for letting me hang with you.
11/11/2022 November thankful Survived the storm!
11/10/2022 November thankful I know the Master of the wind!
11/08/2022 November thankful The freedom to vote!
I’m thankful GOOD will ALWAYS PREVAIL over EVIL🙏🇺🇸❤️
11/05/2022 November thankful I can travel!
Thanks Mr C and thank You, Lord I’m able to do this ❤️
11/04/2022 November thankful My Country!
11/03/2022 November thankful My health
11/02/2022 November thankful My family !
They have given me two beautiful grandchildren, Jordan and Bryson.
Jordan has given me two beautiful great grandchildren! Braelyn and Beckham
Her husband, Josh has been a wonderfuladdition to our family.
My number two daughter, Melanie has been married to her husband Bobby for over 17 years.
They have given me my third grandchild, Rhythm. My sister, Sara and twin brothers, Ronnieand Richie are still alive (they’re all older than me). My cousins (at least the ones I’m close to) are not far away.
I am blessed and so thankful for my family.
11/01/2022 November thankful I woke up!
Friday, November 4, 2022
11/05/2022 Hurricane Ian - FL Disaster Relief can guarantee you those funds WILL BEUSED to help continue this ministry.
#2 I failed to mention what an impression Janice and Yolanda left on me. Their church not only “spiritually” feeds the people in Islamorada, they have a food bank, clothes closet and physically feeds meals once a week. They’ve partnered with other churches nearby, to have “dinners” just about every night.
Now that we’re at our “winter home”, I’ve vowed to volunteer where I’m really needed. One of the ladies here on the kitchen staff has cancer and just undergone a hipreplacement. She’s getting ready to start chemo/radiation once she’s able. So, I’m going to help the kitchen staff here. My #1“volunteer” commitment for this season. I’ll still “help” when needed, but my kitchenfriends needs will come first. After all, we’re not as young as we used to be and we all need to eat.
10/28/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 5 FL Disaster Relief
10/27/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 4 FL Disaster Relief
The Cambro is closed, and labeled.
Each completed Cambro is stacked on pallets waiting on forklift to carry over to pickup site.
Here’s the outdoor pickup site with labeled Cambros. Any additional items for the meal is also put out here. (Bread, buns, condiments, etc) These meals are picked up by the Salvation Army or the Red Cross to ge distributed to specific identified areas in need.
I think I initially listed the various ministry opportunities for each volunteer. The Administration, Assessing and Logistics areas have long been involved before food preparation is made. Identifying needs, setting up staging areas, communicating with churches, coordinating with ministries,monitoring available volunteers and tons of other details. This has been a real life experience I am blessed to be a part of the helping side and not the needing side. I told you about Janice and Yolanda who came from Islamorada. They had bags ofclothes donated to the cause, and although the FL DR didn’t have need, they did find a person with the church that would be sure it was distributed. Each nights “testimonies” of something invigorated, yet broke your heart. We were a month AFTER and still there were some areas that were so devastated their homes were gone or demolished. One of the ministries is to help them find shelter, sift through their demolished homes to salvage whatever is worth salvaging, help them file necessary paperwork to get help. We heard lots of stories that brought hope and help to so many. But I have to tell you about Roy. Roy had his truck parked next to my car while we were there. I saw him out there driving a forklift and varioustrucks and machinery. He was a heavy bearded fella that didn’t speak much, probably because he didn’t have a lot of teeth He looked like one of those guys standing on a corner with a sign. But Roy wasn’tstanding on the corner! He came from California to help. I don’t know all the details, but I can tell you this, he slept in his truck because he had a little dog he didn’t want to leave. Roy earned the love and respect of those men working with him andone night one of the men witnessed to him. Well, Roy knew Jesus in his head, but not in his heart. He asked the Lord into his life and you couldn’t keep the smile off his face! When we heard about this, one of the shower ladies said he was so thankful he couldn’t remember when he had anice shower like that. And then one of thelaundry ladies washed his dirty clothes and he was so happy to put them in clean. Long story short, we all had an opportunity to see Jesus at work through each of us. The men talked about it with Roy and asked him if he wanted to be baptized. His smiling eyes said it all. So plans were made to clean out the vat used to sanitize and make it a baptismal tub! They took up an offering to help get him some new clothes. He told them he was a veteran and felt “called” to help with the Hurricane. But I think the Lord knew his heart was ready and willing, and thank God Roy’s fellow workers were moved to help him. They also gave him a Bible signed by all of us. As much as I’ve been hurt by “church folks”, I can honestly say “I’ve been to church” working with these people.
The Bible tells us we are the church 1 Corinthians 3:9, KJV: For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.
Although I am no longer a “member” of achurch, I felt I was a “member of the body of Christ” helping where I could. It felt good to be a part. I’m not sure when u canget back there, but I do feel I am more prepared to help in the future. Thank You, Lord for letting me help.
10/26/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 3 FL Disaster Relief
Let me explain the “outdoor skillets”. We had 3 skillets going at one time, each “skillet” holds 150 servings of whatever is being cooked. These “tilt skillets” are run on propane, and depending the meal being prepared and the number of servings needed, these skillets may need to be filled, emptied and refilled numerous times. We were cooking for 1800 people, so sometimes we had to fill & refill a skillet 3 or 4 times. We had all 3 going each time!
Here’s some pics I snagged off the training website (I had no time to take pics)
This is a “tilt skillet” each one holds 150 servings. These are used for veggies (canned corn, carrots, beans, etc) Or a one pot stew. (We made beef fajita meat with chili, corn and black beans)
These are the convection ovens. They are used to cook the meat. (Chicken, hotdogs, burgers, etc )
The person sitting is opening the cans using that big opener. The person to the leftis using a big magnet to take the lid off. The person on the other side is “feeding” the correct amount of canned items per recipe. Each can top has been sanitized prior to opening.
The red box is a “Cambro” used to store each 150 serving item. A heat tempered plastic bag is inserted in each sterilized “Cambro”, opened when filling, and closed after each “helping” to ensure no airborne contaminants come in. Once the bag is filled, it is tightly closed and twisted shut, a label is inserted when the lid is placed providing date, time, temperature, item and number of servings.
I’ll show you what happens in my next installment.
10/25/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 2 FL Disaster Relief
10/24/2022 Hurricane Ian FL Disaster Relief -Part 1
- Feeding
- Safe Food Handling
- Emergency Response Team
- Administrative Support
- Assessment Training
- Flood Response Training
- Trailer Safety Training
- Chaplaincy
- Temporary Child Care Training
- Introductory Communications Volunteer Training
- Communications Trailer Operations
That’s about it for Day 1 of our hurricane disaster relief adventure.
09/29/2022 Hurricane Ian - Part 2 Evacuation from MacDill AFB, Tampa FL
Good price, blinkers, horn, flashers and fold down seat in the back so the girls can lay down and ride. Mr C also got a new electric bike so he can ride around. He’s done well with it, butI joke he needs a helmet, knee & elbow pads. He just says “Now, Ms Margaret …..”So we’re all settled in and my friend, Debbie comes back from GA with her Montana 5th and along the way, she bought a Class C from a couple in Ormond Beach! So that’s where our Fl Disaster Relief story begins.