Well it's been a while since I've posted anything, but there really hasn't been much to post. I mean after the Grand Adventure to Alaska, what else can you post?
Mr. Charley & I got back from Alaska & went our separate ways visiting our babies & getting through the holidays. I spent some time in SC, FL, GA, a month in Myrtle Beach just freezing to death until it was time to come down to Paradise Oaks in Bushnell, Fl to get through the winter months.
I threw a wrench in our plans this year by bringing my rig down, too. I've decided I'm going to stay down here until we plan our next trip next year. I traded in my Class C & bought a Forest River Cedar Creek Cottage Destination model trailer. I'm not 100% happy with it, but I couldn't keep my motorhome sitting much longer or I would have more problems than I need. So now I can get rid of this Ford & get my Subaru to ride the roads between here & SC. Maybe one day I'll figure out what I'm supposed to be when I grow up, but until then I'm just gonna hang on & enjoy the ride.
Mr. Charley's dad was having some health problems and passed away 1 month shy of his 101st birthday, so he's been riding the roads back & forth to SC. Once he got back, he got sick & is just now getting over the flu. He's much better now & finally eating good so hopefully will gain some of that weight he's lost. (I think I'm finding it instead of him 😏) Since we were double dipping with separate lots, once I got my new rig delivered & set up we moved some of his stuff over so he can put his in storage, since it's relatively cheap & now we can split the rent until he leaves in April.
Mr. Charley must be feeling better he's starting to get an "itch in his hitch" & talking about a trip out west again, but who knows.
That's it for now, I'll try to get back in the swing of writing again & let you know what's going on down here. In the meantime, stay safe, warm & healthy everyone, we're sure trying to.
RV Riding is parking it for awhile until the next ride comes along